Reading  2

by A. Di Franca

“THE FAMILY IN HEAVEN” – Ephesians 3:15



The family’s origin is in paradise, a  realm   of   peace,   harmony, and   happiness.  As  such,  the family  is part   of the divine  creation and reflects  the  ideals  of God’s  plan and  work.  All  other   creatures  were created in pairs-male and female-so that they  could co-exist  and multiply. After the Lord brought them to Adam to name, “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not  good that  the  man should be alone; I will make  him a helper  fit for him.”‘  Genesis  2:18,  English  Standard Version.  God  could have  created this helper  in the  same way that  He had created   man  from   the   dust   of  the ground. But  His  plan  was  different; man’s  companion must  come  from man   himself.   “And the   Lord   God caused  a  deep   sleep   to   fall  upon Adam, and he slept: and He took  one of  his  ribs, and  closed  up  the  flesh instead  thereof; And  the  rib,  which the  Lord  God  had  taken  from  man, made  He a woman, and brought her unto the man.”  Genesis 2:21, 22.

The   second  human   being  thus had the  same  nature  and  dignity as the  man.  She was  also  perfect and noble, reflecting the holy image and likeness of God.  That is why, when he saw her, “Adam said, This is now  bone  of my bones,  and  flesh  of my flesh: she shall be  called  Woman, because  she was taken  out  of Man.  Therefore shall a man  leave his father  and his mother, and  shall cleave  unto  his wife:  and  they  shall  be  one  flesh.”  Genesis  2:23, 24. This  marvelous event  took  place  in the  earthly  paradise, a place  of great  serenity  and happiness, so the  family  came  into  existence  in the ideal  environment for  enjoying communion and mutual  service  and to continue the creative work with the animals.

Unfortunately, the entrance of sin altered not only God’s plan but also the very nature of people to the point where relations between husband and wife were not always characterized by support and solidarity but by division and adversity. Genesis 3:11-13. Over time, clashes and problems also emerged between children (Genesis 4) and also between children and parents.  Genesis 26:34, 35. Then the atmosphere in many families was no longer  that  of paradise.


History shows that the heavenly  love in the hearts of men cooled and was replaced by  separation, divorce,  and  even  polygamy; but  God’s plan for  the  human  family  did  not  change.  In His eyes and in the  holy Scriptures, the husband, wife, and children were symbols  of God and His people. There are places in His holy word  where God presents  Himself as the  Betrothed, or the  Bridegroom, who  loves His bride. “For  as a young  man  marrieth a  virgin,  so shall thy sons marry thee:  and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.” “And I  will betroth thee  unto  Me for  ever; yea, I  will betroth thee  unto Me  in righteousness, and  in  judgment, and in  lovingkindness, and  in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto  Me in faithfulness: and thou  shalt know the Lord.”  Isaiah 62:5; Hosea 2:19,20.

In other  places, He promised, as the  Father full of love for His son or sons, “I will be his Father, and he shall be My son: and I will not take My mercy away from him, as I took  it from  him that was before thee.” “And He  said unto  me,  Solomon  thy  son, he  shall build My  house  and  My courts: for I have chosen him to be My son, and I will be his Father.” “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him.” 1Chronicles  17:13; 28:6; Psalm 103:13.

These illustrations depict the  divine  love, harmony, and readiness  to serve and sacrifice that must characterize the lives of our families. Is it like this in our families, dear brothers and sisters? Can we say that our lives as fathers  are an expression  of God’s  love  and that they indeed represent God’s love and sacrifice? And, dear sisters, can you say that your constant experience as wives and mothers reflect the love that  God has for you? Let us not take weak, poor  men and women as the example  to follow  in dealing with our family members, but rather our Father in heaven, whose love is eternal.  “… I have loved thee with  an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” Jeremiah  31:3.

The warm reflections of God’s love do not  appear only in the Old Testament; similar views of the Christian family are also found in the New Testament. The husband represents  the  Lord, and the  wife is a type  of the church.

“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the  husband is the  head  of the  wife, even as Christ  is the  head  of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.  Therefore  as the church is subject  unto  Christ, so let the  wives be to their  own husbands  in every thing.   Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ  also loved the church, and gave himself  for  it; That he  might sanctify  and  cleanse  it with  the washing  of  water  by  the  word,   That he  might present  it to  himself  a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought  men to love their  wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.  For no man ever yet hated  his own  flesh; but  nourisheth and cherisheth  it, even  as the Lord the church:  For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.   For this cause shall a man leave his father  and mother, and shall be joined unto  his wife, and they two  shall be one flesh.  This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.  Nevertheless let every one of you in particular  so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.” Ephesians 5:22-33.

It is too  sublime and beautiful to forget that the  members of God’s family  are presented as betrothed to  Him  as a  pure  virgin:  “For  I  am jealous  over  you  with  godly  jealousy:  for  I have  espoused you to  one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:2. In the  description of paradise, in the  Old  and  New  Testaments, and also in the  last book  of the  Bible, Revelation,  marriage and family continue to  represent the  relationship between Christ  and His church. “And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thundering, saying, Alleluia: for the  Lord  God  omnipotent reigneth. Let us be  glad  and  rejoice, and  give honour to  him:  for  the  marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen  is the  righteousness of saints.” Revelation 19:6-8.

Let  us remember how  highly the family  and family ties are esteemed in God’s  eyes, and  let us determine by His grace  to  value  them that  highly in  our  daily  lives.  If  we  do  this,  the Lord  will  protect our  marriages and families  from  the  snares  of  evil. We will  not  face  disappointments and bitterness or unfaithfulness, betrayals, or   separations;  but   we  will   rather be  prepared to  live together in  the eternal  kingdom of heaven.

“God designs  that  the  families  of earth  shall be  a symbol  of the family in  heaven.   Christian   homes,   established and conducted in accordance with  God’s  plan, are among  His most effective   agencies  for  the  formation of Christian character and for the advancement of His work.”  -Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, p. 430.

“The   grace   of   Christ,  and   this alone,  can make  this  institution what God  designed it should be  an agent for  the  blessing and uplifting of  humanity. And thus the families  of earth, in  their   unity   and  peace   and  love, may represent the family  of heaven.” Thoughts from the  Mount  of Blessing, p. 65.


Sadly, sickness   and  death   separate dear spouses and beloved family members; but  these  events  are not the  end.  Death  and the  resurrection  will  not change  each person’s  identity; everyone  will recognize each other and their  family  members. Concerning this, the Spirit of prophecy writes: “The  resurrection of  Jesus  was a type of the final resurrection of all who sleep in Him. The countenance of the risen Saviour, His manner, His speech, were  all familiar  to  His disciples.  As Jesus arose from  the  dead,  so those who  sleep  in Him  are to  rise again. We  shall  know  our  friends,  even  as the  disciples knew  Jesus.  They  may have  been   deformed,  diseased, or disfigured, in this mortal life, and they rise in perfect health  and symmetry; yet in the glorified body their identity will be perfectly preserved. Then shall we know even as also we are known. 1 Corinthians 13:12.”  -The  Desire of Ages, p. 804.

“Then  Jesus’  silver  trumpet sounded, as He descended on the cloud, wrapped in flames  of fire.  He gazed on the graves of the sleeping saints, then raised His eyes and hands to heaven, and cried, ‘Awake!  Awake! Awake!   Ye that   sleep   in  the   dust and arise.’ Then there was a mighty earthquake.   The    graves    opened, and the  dead  came  up  clothed with immortality.  The   144,000  shouted, ‘Alleluia!’  as  they   recognized their friends who had been  torn from them by death,  and in the same moment we were changed, and caught  up together with  them  to  meet  the  Lord  in the  air.” -Testimonies  for the Church, vol. 1, p. 60.

“Little children are  borne by  holy  angels  to  their  mothers’  arms. Friends  long  separated by  death  are united, nevermore to  part  and with songs of gladness ascend together to the City of God.”-The Great Controversy, p. 645.


The  resurrection will  not  alter  the  family  relationships; it  will  not dissolve  the  wonderful bond that  unites  God’s  children in the  family. The harmonious, united family  here on earth  will be united and happy in heaven.

In Israel, there  was a belief in the  resurrection and the  reunification of marriage, but  the Sadducees  questioned the resurrection. They presented their  objection to Jesus by referring to the case of a woman who  had been  married seven  times,  because  her  husbands died one after the other. “Therefore/’ they asked, “in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven?”  Matthew 22:28. Jesus replied by correcting certain  misconceptions, but  He  did  not  teach  the  dissolution of  the family bond.

We  read  in the  Spirit  of prophecy: “We  will  pray  for  you  and  your precious little  ones, that you may by patient continuance in welldoing, keep your face and steps always directed heavenward. We will pray that you may have influence  and success in guiding your little  ones, that you, with them, may gain the crown of life, and that in the home  above, now being prepared for us, you and your wife and children may be a family joyously,  happily reunited, nevermore to  be  separated.” -Selected Messages, book 2, pp.  262, 263.

” …  The marriage ordinance …  is an ordinance ordained of God,  to be  looked upon  with  the  greatest  solemnity.  As the  family  relation  is formed here below,  it is to give a demonstration of what they shall be, the family in heaven above.  The glory  of God  is ever to be made  first.” -The  Adventist  Home, p. 101.

“I warn  F.  and  the  rest  of the  children to prepare to  meet  Jesus, and then  they will meet  their  mother again, nevermore to be parted.” -Selected  Messages, book 2, p. 263.

“When our friends  go into the grave, they are beautiful to us. It may be our father  or mother that  we lay away: when they come  forth, those wrinkles  are all gone, but  the figure  is there, and we know them …. ” -In Heavenly Places, p. 353.


The fact that  after  the  resurrection families  will  be  reunited means that  the  previous family  bond will  not  be  dissolved but  will  continue to exist. However, this should not lead one to think that redeemed will continue to celebrate new marriages and have other children. In His conversation with the Sadducees mentioned above, the Lord made this clear, for He said: “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God heaven.” Matthew 22:30. We read the same thing in the Testimonies. “There are men today who express their belief that there will be marriages and births in the new earth, but those who believe the Scriptures cannot accept such doctrines. The doctrine that children will be born in the new earth is not a part of the ‘sure word of prophecy.’ The words of Christ are too plain to be misunderstood. They should forever settle the question of marriages and births in the new earth. Neither those who shall be raised from the dead, nor those who shall be translated without seeing death, will marry or be given in marriage. They will be as the angels of God, members of the royal family.” –Medical Ministry, pp. 99, 100.


“There  the redeemed shall ‘know, even as also they  are known.’ The loves and sympathies which God  Himself  has planted in the  soul  shall there  find truest  and sweetest  exercise. The pure communion with holy beings, the harmonious social life with the  blessed  angels and with the faithful ones  of all ages who have washed their  robes  and made  them white in the blood of the  Lamb, the sacred ties that  bind  together ‘the whole family in heaven and earth’-these help to constitute the happiness of the redeemed.”-The Adventist Home, p. 544.

What should  we do if we wish to remain bonded with our loved ones forever?  What  mutual   attentions and  tenderness should  we  practice daily? What  efforts  should  we make  so that  the  family  atmosphere is that  of the heavenly  family? “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.”  “That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.” “Children, obey  your parents  in all things:  for this is well pleasing  unto the Lord.”  Ephesians 5:25; Titus 2:4; Colossians 3:20.

“The presence  of Christ alone  can make men and women  happy. All the common waters of life Christ can turn into  the wine of heaven. The home then becomes as an Eden of bliss; the family, a beautiful symbol of the family in heaven….

“God would  have  our families  symbols  of the  family  in heaven. Let parents  and  children  bear  this  in mind  every  day, relating  themselves to  one  another  as members of the  family  of  God. Then their  lives will be  of such a character as to give to the  world  an object lesson of what families  who love God and keep His commandments may be. Christ will be glorified; His peace and grace and love will pervade the family  circle like a precious perfume.

“Much depends on the father and mother. They are to be firm and kind in their discipline, and they are to work most earnestly to have an orderly, correct  household, that  the  heavenly angels may be attracted to it to impart peace and a fragrant  influence….

“Fathers   and  mothers  who  make God   first   in  their   households,   who teach their children that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom glorify God before  angels and before  men by presenting to  the world  a well-ordered, well-disciplined family a  family that  love  and obey God  instead  of rebelling against Him. Christ is not a stranger  in  their  homes;  His name  is a household name, revered  and glorified. Angels  delight in a home  where God  reigns supreme  and the children are taught  to  reverence  religion, the Bible,  and  their  Creator.  Such families can claim the promise,  ‘Them that honour Me I will honour.’ As from such a home the father goes forth to his daily duties, it is with a spirit softened and subdued by converse with God.” -The Adventist  Home, pp. 28, 17, 27, 28.

We  want to be prepared to meet  these  dear  friends as they  come forth in the resurrection morning…. Shall we lay hold upon the  hope set before us in the  gospel that we shall be like  Him, for we shall see Him  as He is?” In  Heavenly  Places, p. 353.

May the Lord grant us His special grace to do everything on our part to have families that are united, faithful to Him, and in complete harmony, so that the joy and happiness  here below  will not end but continue and be complete in heaven. May He give us His Spirit of love and tenderness  so that our family on earth may be an image of the family in heaven.